Think and act for entrepreneurship in Africa

ZUCCO Marion

Economiste du développement, Marion Zucco a exercé ses fonctions au sein de l’ambassade de France à Madagascar avant de prendre la responsabilité du pôle Afrique Subsaharienne pour un cabinet de conseil en innovation. Diplômée du CERDI et d’un master en droit international, ses centres d’intérêt portent sur les États en conflit, post-conflit et en situation de fragilité et notamment sur la gouvernance et l’économie agricole. Elle s’intéresse également aux enjeux liés à l’aide publique au développement et intervient lors de débats y afférent.

Marion ZUCCO has worked as a development economist within the French embassy in Madagascar, before being in charge of the Sub-Saharian Africa division of a consulting firm on innovation. Gratuated in economics and international law, she focuses on States in conflict, post-conflict and in fragile situation and more specifically on governance and agricultural economics. She is also involved in official development assistance issues and intervenes during related debates.

In Madagascar, what future for vanilla? The black gold at risk!

Vanilla is now the second most expensive spice in the world after saffron, and is an important issue in Madagascar, where more than 80% of the vanilla produced worldwide comes…

Vanilla is now the second most expensive spice in the world after saffron, and is an important issue in Madagascar, where more than 80% of the vanilla produced worldwide comes from. Grown mainly in the SAVA region, in the northeast of the country, the vanilla orchid has become real black gold and  provides a living for between 80,000 and 100,000 farmers. A short-lived Eldorado? For several years, the vanilla sector has been surrounded by difficulties: corruption, soaring prices, deteriorating quality, insecurity, natural risks, and competition from synthetic vanilla.

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Matthieu Lougarre: « More than synthetic vanillin, it is the legislation on product labelling that is problematic »

INTERVIEW. Matthieu Lougarre, Director of Agri Resources Madagascar, believes in the future of vanilla and its region of origin, SAVA. Provided that the quality of Madagascan vanilla is recognized and…

INTERVIEW. Matthieu Lougarre, Director of Agri Resources Madagascar, believes in the future of vanilla and its region of origin, SAVA. Provided that the quality of Madagascan vanilla is recognized and protected.

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