Think and act for entrepreneurship in Africa

LAPORTE Bertrand

Bertrand Laporte est maître de conférences à l’Université Clermont-Auvergne et membre du CERDI. Il est co-directeur du master Finances publiques dans les pays en développement et travaille depuis plus de vingt –cinq ans pour plusieurs institutions internationales et agences de coopération dans les domaines de la politique fiscale et tarifaire, de la modernisation des administrations fiscales et douanières, et du commerce international. Il est membre du panel des experts fiscaux du département des finances publiques du FMI.

Bertrand Laporte is associate professor at the university of Clermont-Auvergne and member of CERDI. He is co-director of the Public Finance and tax policy in Developing Countries master’s course, and has spent almost 25 years working on international trade, tax and customs administration issues. He is member of the panel of experts of IMF Fiscal Affairs Department and works for a number of international institutions.

Tax legislation in question: the role of Mining Agreements in the African gold sector

Until the 1990s, the African continent, even though it is rich in mineral resources, attracted little mining investment.

Until the 1990s, the African continent, even though it is rich in mineral resources, attracted little mining investment.

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