Think and act for entrepreneurship in Africa

Béguerie Victor

Après avoir travaillé pour la FERDI et I&P sur la problématique des impacts sociaux et économiques de l’accès à l’électricité en Afrique, Victor Béguerie s’est installé au Kenya pour s’impliquer dans le vaste chantier de la gestion des déchets dans les pays en développement. Outre ses activités de bénévole au sein du projet Flipflopi, il travaille également sur une évaluation des impacts sociaux, économiques et environnementaux de Mr. Green Africa, une startup kényane de recyclage du plastique.

After having worked with the FERDI and I&P on the social and economic impacts of access to electricity in Africa, Victor Béguerie moved to Kenya to get involved in the waste management sector in dveloping countries. Besides its volunteer activities for the Flipflopi project, he is working on a social, economic and environmental impact evaluation of Mr. Green Africa, a plastic recycling Kenyan startup.

FLIPFLOPI, the world’s first sailing boat made entirely from plastic waste

Flipflopi is the world’s first sailing boat made entirely from plastic waste and flip-flops collected from beaches and towns on the Kenyan coast. It works to raise people’s awareness of…

Flipflopi is the world’s first sailing boat made entirely from plastic waste and flip-flops collected from beaches and towns on the Kenyan coast. It works to raise people’s awareness of plastic pollution in the oceans and invites them to rethink their consumption behavior towards single-use plastics.

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